The Elder Balls are a group of major sports balls who are involved in historic sporting events on Earth and placed in the Hall of Fame for their respective sports. Once they are enshrined, their spirits rise back up to All Ball World, where they take their position as...
I fell like the rain An astronomer said They all ran for cover While protecting their heads Shooting down, from above A terrestrial force Racing down to earth Keeping flight on course Once in a lifetime Is what they call me I light up the skies For all eyes to see...
My name is “Kit Kat’ Don’t use your hands Just pick a direction I’ll roll where you’ve planned If you wear cutouts I will jam your toes Where I will end up Only the kicker knows
A straw is for drinking Or that’s what they think I get wild at lunch time With a spitball that stinks I’m tall striped and skinny And will never confess I am “Yuki’s” sidekick Who’s causing kids...
Jack Chesbro was so great He pitched the first Spitball But at little Jimmy’s school He slashed his classmate Paul By mixing paper and saliva Yes better known as spit He shot it like a rocket Right from where he sits Me and my buddy Straw Splashed those kids so...